What to do when you're worrying abt living friends, dead ones (though less bcs it's a bit redundant), exams and the size of your arse
Hallo! It's 2.35 am! GUESS WHAT?
When I was abt 15 I started carrying a little book around with me so I could write down the inanities I heard bcs some things were simply too funny to be forgotten. Funnily enough I figure prominently in it bcs I was the one variable that never changed and no one forgave me a single inanity. [I disbelieve what a bleeding idiot I can be at times.] One day, when I feel up to writing my Kibbutz Volunteer Memoirs, I'll go foraging for the relevant one bcs there was one volunteer in particular who was very, very blonde. The a-tad-unwashed sort at that.
Fortunately, Kuhn was right and I have just found a site that emulates that fine spirit of yore. Sadly, it comes with headlines but stick to the post itself and you'll find your slapping impulses greatly reduced. But look, LOOK:
Saleslady: Where are you from?
Tourist: Kansas City.
Saleslady: There's a city in Kansas? Like with buildings?
Tourist: Yes.
Saleslady: Tall ones?
Just like The Little Notebook!
Now I won't have to resort to becoming a drunk, will remain awake and worried but too entertained to care.
I can't get the link to load. Dang!
I have to carry a notebook. There are just too many odd things going on around to not jot down the funny ones. I like the dialogue you posted, there are too many people like that out there.
For some rreason the link isn't working. Hope you got some sleep.
Wait, there ARE buildings in Kansas?! I'd have thought they'd all get carried away by tornados.
LOL I love that site. Nothing amuses me more than seeing what twits my fellow Noo Yawkas can be.
Hey girl,
I remember getting finding this site spending way too much of my time looking through lines and laughing my arse off. 'Tis fantastic, truly :)
HA! Manuela, these are just funny. It doesn't matter that they're Americans.
J, I loved this site. It made me laugh the other day when I really needed it.
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