Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What to do when you're worrying abt living friends, dead ones (though less bcs it's a bit redundant), exams and the size of your arse

Hallo! It's 2.35 am! GUESS WHAT?



When I was abt 15 I started carrying a little book around with me so I could write down the inanities I heard bcs some things were simply too funny to be forgotten. Funnily enough I figure prominently in it bcs I was the one variable that never changed and no one forgave me a single inanity. [I disbelieve what a bleeding idiot I can be at times.] One day, when I feel up to writing my Kibbutz Volunteer Memoirs, I'll go foraging for the relevant one bcs there was one volunteer in particular who was very, very blonde. The a-tad-unwashed sort at that.

Fortunately, Kuhn was right and I have just found a site that emulates that fine spirit of yore. Sadly, it comes with headlines but stick to the post itself and you'll find your slapping impulses greatly reduced. But look, LOOK:

Saleslady: Where are you from?
Tourist: Kansas City.
Saleslady: There's a city in Kansas? Like with buildings?
Tourist: Yes.
Saleslady: Tall ones?

Just like The Little Notebook!

Now I won't have to resort to becoming a drunk, will remain awake and worried but too entertained to care.


At 19/7/06 09:48, Blogger brooksba said...

I can't get the link to load. Dang!

I have to carry a notebook. There are just too many odd things going on around to not jot down the funny ones. I like the dialogue you posted, there are too many people like that out there.

At 19/7/06 09:51, Blogger Ana said...

For some rreason the link isn't working. Hope you got some sleep.

At 19/7/06 12:18, Blogger pithydithy said...

Wait, there ARE buildings in Kansas?! I'd have thought they'd all get carried away by tornados.

At 20/7/06 11:19, Blogger Babs said...

LOL I love that site. Nothing amuses me more than seeing what twits my fellow Noo Yawkas can be.

At 22/7/06 00:42, Blogger Serialangel said...

Hey girl,

I remember getting finding this site spending way too much of my time looking through lines and laughing my arse off. 'Tis fantastic, truly :)

At 24/7/06 20:18, Blogger CarpeDM said...

HA! Manuela, these are just funny. It doesn't matter that they're Americans.

J, I loved this site. It made me laugh the other day when I really needed it.


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