Friday, August 18, 2006

Hi, dahlings!

Yellow guys, I'm back, slimmer, tanned and fully rested. And tanned. AND, I am also tanned. TANNED, I tell you. See? That hasn't happened since the last century. Literally.

I know, I know, not the best photo. But I will post more and I do not look particularly tanned in those for reasons I can't understand so the mirror it is. Actually, what made me decide to post it was how much I look like my father in it, which I forget I do bcs my face lost its roundness. But I do still. Yey genes! In real life, though, my eyes are blue, not red, and I do not have a lightning bolt across the left pupil.

My afro and I had a fabulous time! [I did fix the orange hair and have now really dark brown hair in some strands, the darkest I've ever been. Lesson learnt.]

We had amazing weather and the sea was lovely, and in the late afternoon it even built a pool of sorts, with still waters. I had to battle a surprising wave phobia daily, and thought of Uzi daily as the waves crashed over me, but by the end of it I was able to turn the lead in the pit of my stomach into something Tigish, and therefore good. The beach was divine, we often managed to stay till 21.00 a few times, like this:

My friend and I loved our time there, and she and the dog bonded:

The dog absolutely adores the beach. She loses her mind when loose on the beach, first she runs around in circles barking dementedly and then she goes play in the waves. She also attempts to dig a tunnel to Tibet, her personal honouring of Prtachett and Gaiman's Good Omens. But she gets bored easily:

Teasing an exceedingly hysterical dog is almost too easy.

Sometimes she even needs to be restrained.

What one should NOT do, I learnt, is turn one's back on one's exceedingly hysterical dog, or this will happen.

She achieved full dental contact and there is still a bruise on my right buttock to prove it.

Shabbat shalom, you all, I've missed you!

Signed: She Who Survived 19 Days Without Internet, And Also She Who Passed Imagiology As Well, So Only 3 More Exams Till This Year's 17 Subjects Are Done.


At 18/8/06 20:37, Blogger brooksba said...

Love the pictures and I'm glad you had a great time. You deserved it! Papolia looks like she had an awesome time. How wonderful!

I missed you!

Great tan!

At 18/8/06 23:10, Blogger Udge said...

Hooray for holidays, tans and afros. Very lion(ess)ish.

At 19/8/06 00:10, Blogger lorem ipsum said...

What beautiful pictures! And you look radiant.

I know it's not the same as a holiday but I'm so happy to have you back. Keep smiling!

At 19/8/06 00:56, Blogger Benjamin said...

Your "yellow" greeting reminded me of a japanese friend who always answers the phone "Yellow," purely to put people off-guard when they consider the ramifications.

Glad to see you had such a lovely time.

At 19/8/06 01:51, Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Ooooh - doctor doctor doctor (almost)!

At 19/8/06 10:27, Blogger Unknown said...

Green green. Green green. Yellow? Blue blue blue blue blue blue blue. MAUVE! Pink.

Glorious you look, hehehehe.

Very very glad you're back, tanned and lovely and ever so clever for having passed yet another subject I'd never heard of before.

At 21/8/06 04:56, Blogger Stacey said...

Glad you had such a great time! You look beautiful as ever. So does the gorgeous doggie.

At 21/8/06 11:06, Blogger Ana said...

You look great! And congrats on passing imagiology. You're the best!

At 22/8/06 13:50, Blogger Diana said...

Well, no one can say you didn't enjoy your hiatus at the beach to the fullest, especially the pooch.

Hope your seat is better.

At 23/8/06 17:56, Blogger CarpeDM said...

I miss you. I miss Portugal. I miss the ocean. I miss Papoila.

And you go away for 19 days and then torture me with pictures of the things I love and miss? You are cruel.

Well, no, not really. Actually I'm glad to see said pictures because you look lovely, the ocean looks gorgeous and Papoila is as rambuctious and adorable as I remember her.

Glad you had a great time. You deserved it!

At 26/8/06 12:17, Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Hi lioness of Judah!
Today is Saturday
so I have a gift 4U
a little piece of Peace
jam movie

At 26/8/06 12:18, Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Gosh when God makes lionesses
beautiful, He excels himself!

Nice blog - Q.

At 30/8/06 09:53, Blogger Thalia said...

Wow, great holiday, happy dog, losing weight, a tan and passing the latest exam - very impressive! I hope september is just as good.

At 30/8/06 10:03, Blogger Ana said...

Where are you? Did I miss something?


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