No worries, I won't
But right now, eadrum and all, all I can think abt is a nice, juicy fag.
But right now, eadrum and all, all I can think abt is a nice, juicy fag.
posted by Lioness @ 10:55 pm
18 furballs
"ln the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught." Baba Dioum
Ah sweetie. I hope the pain is gone completely very soon.
Thinking of you.
Hee hee! You said "no worries".
I am declaring you an honorary Australian.
What? You want to stick it in your ear or something?
NOTE: regarding eardrum, please read Despite the eardrum and the fact that smoking isn't bound to help close the hole any faster; and also the fact that it is, on the other hand, very much bound to make me cough up a lung or two in disgust, I, for some unexplainable reason, truly fancied a fag last night. That is all. How could one little sentence be so confusing?
MT, I say No Worries a lot. Really a lot. Like the idea though. ;)
Not at all confusing. I was attempting a joke. Seems I failed.
See what happens when you mix drugs? You lose your sense of humour. Let that be a lesson, boys and girls.
That's funny, I know it's an old wives tale and probably doesn't do any good at all but whenever I have an earache I want people to blow smoke into my ear.
uhmmm just one more bit of advice.... don't eat anything crunchy for a while. It will sound as if you're eating inside a tin bucket. Not good. Not good at all.
A nice, juicy fag? Like Elton John?
Just kidding. I know what you mean.
I asked that you do NOT make me laugh!!
Oh no. Now I have the rather disturbing image of you sucking on Elton John stuck in my fragile little mind.
I can promise you that the only way I'd suck on Elton John, sexual denomination aside, would be if he were a sushi roll. And tnx for the mental image really. Delectable.
Re Elton: I'm sure it's mutual ;-)
ok blogger ate my post (bad blogger)... no worries here it is again...
I know a couple of nice juicy fags that could take your mind off the pain awhile. Of course, you would have to fly them in but they are usually up for a Partay!
*two snaps up*
*two snaps up*
Mad cows.
Hysterical cows.
Hope the ear is feeling better soon.
your strength, in the midst of such images, is amazing. i, for one, shall never hear another Elton John tune without being forever grateful that i quit smoking long ago.
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