Saturday, September 17, 2005

This is your Friendly Footnote speaking

Hullo everyone, this is your friendly Footnote speaking. Please remain seated. I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate what has already been said in the comments of the previous post, in regard to the previous post:

  1. The author of said post thinks that Bush is a bleeding idiot
  2. The author is sure he doesn't know how to spell properly
  3. The author is sure he doesn't know what pandemia is
  4. The author therefore thought it was hysterical that he was portrayed as having actually used the word pandemia in a perfectly pertinent context
  5. The author is sure that, if he indeed used the word, as Misfit would put it we have his handlers to thank for - exclusively
  6. The author would consequently like to invite all of you to engage in the following mental exercise: replace pandemia with any other word of your choice that is not commonly used, e.g. hermeneutic, then pretend the post was abt the troll’s unlikely use of it
  7. The author would like to ask: now do you see?, and then say: Gah
  8. The author would like to vehemently emphasise the worth of ethological knowledge (and the use of semicolons); visualise some applied sheep behaviour being thrown in Anonymous’ general direction then.
  9. The author would furthermore like to encourage our very closeted own David Attenborough to leave other equally intriguing trivia bits on this blog as long as they are animal-related for this is absolutely the place where they should come to rest – did Anonymous know, for instance, that chicken cluck and can make an absolute racket in the wee hours of the morning, or indeed all night? Astonishing, yes!
  10. Finally, the author would like to point out, for accuracy’s sake, that Anonymous is simultaneously correct and doing sheep cognition a disservice: sheep can, for instance, remember over 50 different sheep and 10 human faces for more than two years. It’s not all bleak you know. It’s not all meh. It all rather depends on the point of ewe.


At 17/9/05 21:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you google this stuff, or is this the vet-in-training part of your brain? Either way, I'm amazed.

At 18/9/05 02:13, Blogger Diana said...

I choose the substitute word "pyromania".



At 18/9/05 02:38, Blogger CarpeDM said...

I like sheep. They are fluffy and you can count them.

Loved the chicken comment by the way.

At 18/9/05 10:56, Blogger brooksba said...

I adore ewe.

At 18/9/05 16:39, Blogger Jen said...

I sheepishly confess my confusion.

At 18/9/05 22:11, Blogger Udge said...

Did anyone else download and read that sheep behaviour PDF? Amusing stuff, in a bizarre and twisted way. To think that our Lioness does this for a living...

At 18/9/05 22:35, Blogger Lioness said...

You lot are hysterical!

And I actually thought the PDF was extremely interesting. There's another one for beef cattle, also very good reading.

At 19/9/05 15:30, Blogger JoeinVegas said...

The house next door has chickens and turkeys. At least they purchased a half dozen chicks of each several months ago. Their dogs have slowly been working their way through the group. But we can hear a rooster periodically. This morning he was singing, and sometimes in the dark (usualy around 3am) he throws out a curse or two. At least I think it's a curse, maybe it's just a 'hey, look at me', but I don't speak chicken so I'm not sure. No sheep in the neighborhood though (at least I haven't heard any). Just those following.

At 19/9/05 17:58, Blogger Ana said...

I just think you are too funny!

Esta semana estou outra vez atolada, mas podemos tentar mais uma vez para a semana que vem...

At 20/9/05 01:14, Blogger Agent Sierra said...

Love the applied sheep behavior. I have great respect for how smartly you put off these anonymous freaks. Bravo! Good for ewe.

At 20/9/05 17:30, Blogger No Milk Please said...

boy, you guys really know how to argue in comments. :)

no milk please


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