Thursday, October 14, 2004

- *ROAR* -

Why Spaying and Castration are your friends (29 April 05)

Pest Control - part I (6 February 05)

Pest Control - Part II (6 February 05)

Dead Man Walking ( 31 January 05)

You are NOT to (18 December 04)

"Smiling as the shit comes down"* (06 December 04)

"All families are psychotic"* (06 December 04)

Territorial Markings of Shame (01 December 04)

Heroes of the Sea, Noble People* (24 November 04)

Get over it, boys (11 November 04)

“Small Craft Warnings"” (31 October 04)

Why I'm not a lefty Greeny and that bad, bad cow milk (29 October 04)

For the record (11 October 04)

Just DON'T talk to me!!!(08 October 04)

My soul has been raped. (27 September 04)

Human Rights Detour (CAT STEVENS UPDATE) (26 September 04)

Open Open Letter to America (Oh how could you!) (23 September 04)

East Timor will NEVER be defeated! (17 August 04)

The Chopstick Factor (14 August 04)