Thursday, October 14, 2004

- My Lovely Ones -

See? No claws! (29 Jan 05)

The All Blacks will kick ass NOW! (November 28, 2004)

Which Really, REALLY Surprised Her! (November 27, 2004)

"Atlantic 'shark finning' ban signed" (November 22, 2004)

I've been to London to look at the Queen
(November 21, 2004)

LeYassu, Bungy veDomino
(November 16, 2004)

*Sigh* (October 23, 2004)

Poop cake Recipe ( or What-One-Does-For-Love) (October 15, 2004)

Two months today! (October 13, 2004)

I just want to EAT HIM! (October 04, 2004)

And sometimes there is gratitude (October 01, 2004)

These blasted cats will kill me yet, I was (September 17, 2004)

Goodbye and thanks for all the sheep! (September 16, 2004)