I ask you! HOW???Very bad news I'm afraid, very bad cold wave, there's no central heating in our houses, in our schools, buses - AT ALL. I'm freezing here, can't imagine the poor things up North [actually, just found out it's colder in Lisbon]. People will die, people will surely die. It's heartbreaking
It's truly bad, it's snowing in the deep South, it's snowing in coastal towns, it snowed on my parents on their drive back from the beach, the snow will turn to ice, Porties don't know how to drive anyway, add snow and ice - expect madness and casualties. And all I can think of is the elderly, the ones who receive a pension of 100 Euros a month and can barely stay alive, the ones who often starve to deah out of pride , bcs they do not want to say they are hungry and dehydrate so fast, the ones who are alone and have trouble moving and live in decrepit houses. And the homeless, I hope the tube is left open for them.
And because I have a stupid exam tomorrow, and a stupid exam on Wednesday, and a stupid exam on Friday, I cannot even drive around w hot, sugar-loaded tea, cannot try and find extra blankets to distribute among our very own who live inside cardboad boxes on doorsteps of our lovely, bountiful city, more than you would believe, all I can do is wring my hands and foul-mouthedly curse those who think their actions, ecologically speaking, affect none, not even them, those who do not care abt what world their children and grandchildren will leave behind, those who view such concerns as paranoia, lack of proper education and evidence of lefty beliefs.
WELL. I cannot stand the communists and am as fine and sane and educated a snob as you could ever hope to find - and I DO care, and I DO worry, and it's MY water you're fouling, it's MY air you're thickening, it's MY natural resources you're depleting, it's MY health you're harming, the earth is round and exceedingly small in some vital matters, you bloody self-absorbed, navel-centric, minor pan-lords .
This is a disaster, futuristically speaking, I cannot believe this. This is frightening. How are we as a country ever going to be able to handle such humungous weather changes?
Long Live Laika, yes?